Thursday, March 21, 2024

New features of Java 22 !!!

Hello, I want to share couple of new features about java 22.

Language Improvements:

  • Unnamed variables & patterns (JEP 456): This enhancement allows you to use an underscore (_) to denote unused variable declarations or nested patterns. This improves code readability when a variable needs to be declared but isn't actually used.


  • Foreign Function & Memory API (JEP 454): This major addition enables Java programs to interact with code and data residing outside the Java runtime environment. This opens doors for improved performance and integration with native code.


  • Regional Pinning for G1 (JEP 423): This feature reduces garbage collection latency by implementing regional pinning in the G1 collector. This essentially eliminates the need to disable garbage collection during critical JNI (Java Native Interface) regions.

Other noteworthy features:

  • Support for Unicode 15.1: Java 22 keeps pace with the evolving character set by incorporating Unicode 15.1. This means your programs can now handle a wider range of characters.
  • Locale-Dependent List Patterns: This feature tailors list formatting based on the user's locale, ensuring culturally appropriate presentation of lists.
  • New method in java.util.random.RandomGenerator: A new equiDoubles() method simplifies generating pairs of floating-point numbers with the same mathematical representation.


  • Java 22 comes with several preview features that are still under development, such as virtual threads and scoped values, which aim to enhance concurrency capabilities.

For a more comprehensive exploration of Java 22 features, you can refer to the official Oracle blog post "" or the JDK 22 release notes

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